Manufacturing of Cylinders of the Pharaoh
Cylinders of the Pharaoh, made according to ancient technology, consist of zinc (the Lunar Cylinder) and copper (the Solar Cylinder) with respectively coal and magnetic filling of a special preparation. During manufacturing of the Cylinders special high purity alloys are used.
All four basic components, forming Cylinders of the Pharaoh are well known to modern medicine and from immemorial time are used by people to treat various illnesses.
COPPER Application of copper calms a pain, makes active leukocytes function, represents strong bactericide matter, accelerates water and mineral metabolism, promotes normalisation of sleep, reduces temperature and can stop the bleeding, calms central nervous system and promotes curing of inflammatory processes of the very various origin.

Circle of illnesses which can be treated using application of copper includes: chronic othitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, inflammation of urinary-bladder, inflammation of kidneys, haimorit, diseases of cardio-vascular system, after infarction state, illness of alimentary canal, gastritis, colitis, rheumatoid artrits.
According to the results of last investigations copper removes harmful effect of radiation after treatment of cancer sick people.
ZINC Renders significant influence to activity of hypophysis, pancreatic gland, sexual glands, through hormonal system of organism regulates carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism. Salts of zinc are used at nervous frustration, increased tiredness, retardation in growth, head aches, diabetes, nevralgy of triple, absent-minded sclerosis, gastritis, conjunctivitis.
MAGNETS They were associated in Ancient Egypt with "bones of the god Gor". They are used in treatment of osteochondrosis, vascular diseases, hypertension, headaches, exhaustion, stress condition, to increase adaptation functions during acclimatisation, sharp changes of the weather, in days, difficult for geophysical characteristics. Salutary properties of magnetic water are widely known.
COAL It is a product of transformation of higher and lower plants. Contains up to 50 % of mineral admixtures. Perfect adsorbent. In Egypt wood coal was used "to clean body and spirit from foul".
The Cylinders of the Pharaoh have strictly determined length, being in interrelation with their diameter. Surface of Cylinders is even, smooth, without carving and relief. The Cylinders and their fillings pass special processing as a number of technological operations, among which are as well known to a modern science, as non-traditional ones.